Saturday, February 28, 2009
David Beckham is often applied term style icon, and rightly so,whether we talk about a fashion,hairstyles or Tattoos.David has been picking up tattoos for a few years now.David Beckham’s love for tattoos started with the birth of his firstborn, Brooklyn,he later added Romeo,name of his second son(just below the base of his neck)and Cruz,name of his third son(just below the winged figure) He tattooed his son’s name over his lower back.
Second tattoo was what David described a guardian angel, a human shape with arms outstretched, this tattoo was afterwards modified to include large wings.As years passed by David Beckham added more tattoos to his collection:
Gothic Brooklyn Tattoo-Located below the guardian angel tattoo.
Victoria in HindiTattoo-Located on David's lower back
Latin Phrase Tattoo-Under Victoria's name, the Latin phrase "Ut Amem Et Foveam" meaning "so that I love and cherish."
Fidelity Tattoo-In Hebrew text, from the Song of Songs, "I am my beloved's, and my beloved is mine, that shepherds among the lilies."
Gothic Romeo Tattoo-Located on David's lower back.
Winged Crossed Tattoo-Located on the back of David's neck.
Roman VII Tattoo -- Located on the inside of David's right forearm. It represents the number he wore when playing for Manchester United.
Perfection Tattoo -- Located on his left forearm, it is the Latin phrase "Perfectio in Spiritu" meaning "spiritual perfection."
Angel Tattoo -- Located on his right shoulder and bicep, the text says "In the face of adversity."David Beckham:"I think everybody's got a way of expressing their feelings, and mine is through my tattoos,"
Labels: body art, Celebrities tattoos, David Beckham, tattoo
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