Margie Striped Knit Tank DressSundance Kid
Feb 16, 06:25 PM
I'm thinking about buying a ib or a pb for university. I'm not really happy about the ib cause it only has 14inch screen max. But the pb costs a lot! (especially since I live in canada). Is it worth the investment to buy a 15inch pb? I figured one with superdrive would cost 500$ more than a ib 14inch with superdrive. I wouldn't even think of buying a pc laptop because after I got my iPod, every machine with windows looks so damn ugly, but they do seem to have a better price.
Sundance Kid
striped knit tunic topEniregnat
Sep 17, 05:33 PM
...but if you plan on using the external for extensive rendering and etc. then the D2 would be better.
I havn't had over heating problems on my LaCi Proche drive, and I have had it work hard for several hours at a time. Then again, it is on a glass table.
Close Button. CORALCouldn't agree more. I don't see why you have to hate another network, is their competitor paying you off or what? If you like yours awesome, if you hate another wtf cares?
I think Verizon is great and has never let me down even when I have traveled into some pretty rural areas. I like to join in on the whole Verizon vs. AT&T battle just for fun. I can't believe people are so serious about it. Lighten up and use whatever works for you.
Close Button. CORALSuperCachetes
Feb 12, 11:45 AM
The iPhone 4 was a failure at launch. The antenna is broken. It drops Internet connections and calls if held a certain. The glass claiming to be strong is weak sauce and the only good things on the phone are the cameras and screen.*
Am I the only one who feels this way?
Have you had trouble with your claws scratching the glass?
striped knit cap sleeveThat's where I've always seen them as well..
striped hand knitted topiJohnHenry
Feb 27, 10:13 AM
Very good point on the friend of marriage thing. Britney Spears is pretty clearly a very big friend of marriage.
When the number gets that large, I believe you would call her a hooker??
STRIPE KNIT TUNIC DRESS TOPThe iPad updating of their own apps is quite sad.
The remote app which is a must with a networked express and/or Apple TV setup would truly benefit from not only being updated to run at something other than 2x mode, but a whole new iPad UI. And it should have been ready on April 3rd when the iPad was released. Same goes true for the Gallery and iDisk apps.
I don't want to run any Apple apps in 2x or worse 1x mode on an iPad. Likewise, just like the Settings app and others, rethink the UI instead of blowing up the image.
striped hand knitted topHi! Did you have to pay VAT and customs, too?
Hotel Particulier Striped Knit And Chiffon Top Spring Summer 2011 Women Clothing TopIt's still just a trojan, however. It's certainly malicious enough to be a worry, but easily prevented. Now, more than ever, though, is the time to remind Mac users not to go searching for and downloading anti-virus software because of paranoia; chances are tools like this will be used to produce lots of fake anti-virus software intent on trapping people who are paranoid about exactly this time of problem. Make sure anything you download comes from a reputable source (the Mac App Store should remain free from any of these types of apps, I'd imagine), and don't give you password unless you know what is requesting it and why.
Hotel Particulier Striped Knit
Knitwear Sweater Knit TopsPaRaGoNViCtiM
Nov 28, 11:15 PM
how much $$ for mouse???
Sent PM!
The shadow stripe knit gives aOMG! OMG! OMG! A Blue Ribbon! Yippee! :):):)
Thanks for your votes folks! Congrats to all the winners! There were lots of great entries for this contest and I'm very pleased to have won. As xUKHCx knows, the blue ribbon is what everybody wants!
calderone, great entry. You have mad design skills. What a battle that was! If you ever make a keyboard with that button, sign me up for one.
Great job to all participants
Now let the bragging begin
Congrats you two. Both were worthy winners. Also congratulations for everyone else who won or entered. There were some really good entries this time.
solarthecat unlucky that you were in such a tough category as that was a brilliant idea and design.
Striped knit top ($43.20)I do not like this show one bit. I have tried watching it several times and have not laughed once.....and I am half-mexican and grew up around my dad's family so one would think that I might find at least part of this show funny. Sadly I agree that this is a Chappelle-show-rip-off......kind of like the Norm McDonald show is (or was....I've on ly seen it once).
Crochet Back Knit Tophttp://mirror.ati.com/vortal/mobilityradeon9000/interactive/index.html
click on the ">" next arrow (bottem right) until u get to the page Hydravision it explains about notebooks with radeon 9000 and has Hydravision etc. The pic has a man with a Powerbook in it....
And the current powerbooks have radeon 7500 so could this mean radeon 9000 in the next editions?
Close Button. TEALThanks for the suggestions so far, seems to be quite tricky to get this.
Karen Millen Stripe Knit Top.http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16820145068
you guys think thatll work????? its for the PB in my signature....my girlfreind wants to buy it for me...and i really wanna get it fast since shes such in a good mood.... :D :D :D
blue/gold stripe knit halter1) build computer with head
2) set it up to start a vnc server on startup so you can control it's screen from another computer, in case you want to do something on it without getting another screen out.
3) start it folding
4) decapitate
Knit Petal Top-Rosey StripedPowerGamerX
Apr 27, 06:05 PM
Don't get me wrong, I really love my Mac, and the aesthetics of it. The hardware is enough for my needs, and overall I would be happy...
Problem is I have had nothing but trouble with SL. Every application I have seems to have crashed at least one point in time. I never really had a problem with Leopard and, Leopard is what convinced me to switch to the Mac OS in the first place. However, now, I'm contemplating switching back to Windows (rather, using BootCamp full time).
It doesn't seem to matter if I use a different hard drive, swap out ram, etc. None of the problems I have are hardware based. It's all software.
I'm really just curious to see how many people feel the same way about Snow Leopard. In fact, the experiences I've had remind me of Windows XP. Nothing really wrong with any of my hardware. It's just none of my software seems stable.
I'm really hoping Lion turns out good though.
Yarn dye striped tank top.citizenzen
Apr 9, 11:59 AM
Feel free to contribute ;)
Sometimes a few minor alterations are all you need to spruce up a tired old logo ...
I don't know why TechCrunch is claiming this is an "internal GM", maybe they know something I don't, but as it stands it seems they are just causing confusion.
Duff-Man says....I suspect that someone just misunderstood or misinterpreted something they heard or were told. Perhaps what was said regarding which build to release as the 2nd preview got twisted into being *the* GM release....oh yeah!
Jun 29, 07:21 PM
I see where this si coming from though.
I think whats happening is Apple is expanding so quickly that its harder for them to keynote all the developments within apple.
Soon iPhone is going to be even bigger, and Mac will keep moving, growing, but not as fast as the iPhone.
Maybe one day well see seperate keynotes for each product/market line.
Either way Apple is going strong and the potential for iPhone (and Apple gadgets) and Mac OS X to move forward are huge.
No complaints here.
I just wish theyd say somethin about the bloody mac mini
Originally posted by john123
Ya'll don't know me ?!?! I don't know any of you !!!
Where are jefhatfield? Spikey? Kela? The old crowd?
Are they all gone for good? Say it isn't so!
jefhatfield is still around.
I dunno about the rest though.
I think the rest are gone.
Jul 21, 04:37 PM
Google fell to the number three spot despite generating record levels of discussion for the brand, according to General Sentiment.
Who is General Sentiment? Is he in charge of the mobile wars? And what is the Impact Value ranking? Is it this:
And I guess this is how General Sentiment determines what makes the cut:
I love the line:
Sentence by sentence, General Sentiment detects the sentiment in each document related to a topic
Mar 13, 12:56 PM
Hey guys,
I'm desperate for help here. For the past two days or so, my Dock has been freezing up, and giving me the beachball if I moved my mouse over it, as well as making the enitre system so slow, to the point where it is almost unusable. Expose also stops working. Force quitting everything and relaunching the Finder doesn't help the situation either. The only icons I have on my dock are the Finder, Safari, Adium, Pages, and Maya.
Here's where it gets really weird. Today, I decided to do a clean install of OS X, and I formatted it, and reinstalled it. Yet, the problem is still happening! It doesn't make sense. It tends to happen while Safari and Adium are open, but that isn't saying much becuase those programs are open 24/7 on my system.
So, today it happened (actually, about 15 minutes ago), so I decided to check out the Activity Monitor. Since the dock wasn't working, I opened it through finder, and the dock icon did not appear on the dock. The program opened anyways, though. The Dock was using between 60% and 90% of my CPU, but a normal amount of RAM. Quitting or Force Quitting the dock would remove it from the list for a second, but then it would come back, with the same amount of CPU usage.
I'm completely lost. It's not just 10.3.8 because on my newly formatted system, it hasn't finished downloading yet (it's still downloading other Updates). Once the dock starts acting up, about 30 minutes to an hour into the session, the computer is helpless. Expose stops working, and the computer becomes dead slow. The dock is not functional either, and sometimes disappers entirely, and I have to use the Applications folder in the Finder to switch between programs. Alt + Tab doesn't work either.
Let me clarify a few things. No new RAM has been installed recently, although when I got the system back in September (It's a 1.6GHz iMac G5), l added 512MB on the same day. Only programs installed after the format are:
GMail Status (tried closing, with no help)
WeatherPop (tried closing, with no help)
Maya 6.5
iLife '04
Adobe Photoshop CS
Limwire Pro
I'm completely stumped as to what could be going on. I'm sorry for the long post, but I didn't want to miss anything.
Any help would be GREATLY appreciated.
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