Actor Jeff Conaway remains inMmmPancakes
Sep 26, 12:24 PM
Yes. The Shuffle will indeed work as a jump drive between Windows and Mac boxes.
I have a Mac at work, and a pc at home. I work as a PR writer, so I regularly use my 1 gig Shuffle to bridge the two computers: Word docs, Entourage/Outlook e-mail archives, etc. Never had a problem.
Actor Jeff Conaway remains inNo problems with my Magic Mouse.
Crazy question, but is it still slow after adjusting tracking to Fast in system preferences?
By no problem, do you mean that you feel no difference between 10.6 an 10.7?
Well the cursor is not as fast as in Windows, but it's managable.
What exactly do you mean by acceleration?
It means that the cursor movement is not linear to the mouse movement. Google it and you will see that it's a huge issue for people that want to game on their Macs, especially for Windows switchers that are not used to it. The worst part is that there is no setting in OS X to remove it.
Here are two images that illustrate it (from a 3rd party software that removes the acceleration)
Without this program: With this program:
Selfish McCourts Are a Blightbmservice
Apr 27, 04:02 AM
I just got the iPhone 4 for Verizon and I usually would let my phone die all the way and then charge it for 12 hours to get it completely charged. Is it the same for the iPhone 4 or does it not matter? If it does matter is it longer than 12 hours? Also, can leaving your phone plugged in when it is fully charged hurt it? Thanks!
Just charge it freely.Most mobile phones now use lithium batteries as power supply. So you are not necessary to overcharge it at all. Don't worry that it will do some harm to your battery.
Jeffrey Dean Morgan,trigonometry
Feb 19, 06:20 PM
There's a risk that the :apple:-logo will break. Make sure it's protected. How much does your head weigh, btw?
I don't know how much my head weighs. Can I break the screen? I can put the laptop in my backpack, its mesh and only has a padded back.
Jeffrey Dean Morgan,Highly recommend Barcelona and Prague on your trip.
Barcelona, beautiful city, lots to see, very chilled place.
Prague, quite a bit to see, cheap excellent food and beer.
Jeffrey Weingard · Steven
that Simon FullerSo every time u reboot u have to do the procedure again?
SIMON FULLER – did theirMaybe it means they're not sure, as in: "What is Toronto???"
I hear that it's a US city.
Make it stop! :eek:
EARLY LIGHT ON FULLER#39;SMight get the second, i've heard great things about i7. Also i've heard wifi is better on MB because the aluminum interferes on the MBP?
With a MBP you get a newer processor that won't be outdated nearly as fast as a C2D. You also get thunderbolt. It may not mean anything to you now since there are not that many thunderbolt devices but there will be in the future, and you get a better graphics card in a MBP than in the MB. You get Intel HD 3000 in the MBP and NVIDIA Geforce 320M in the MacBook. The Intel has 384MB whereas the NVIDIA has 256MB
BLVD AND FULLER – 3.18.11rainman::|:|
Jul 23, 09:38 PM
Nope, none at all. Only thing unexpected is sales tax, makes each song charge like $1.07 or something, depending on where you live...
btw, if any site charges you a fee like that, without telling you, contact your credit card fraud department-- you shouldn't be liable for the charge, and their guys will track it down for you.
Something like this should work. You may need to tweak the UIViewAnimationOptions.
[UIView animateWithDuration:0.8 delay:0.0 options:UIViewAnimationOptionCurveEaseInOut | UIViewAnimationOptionAllowUserInteraction animations:^(void) {
popContents.view.frame = CGRectMake(320, ypos-70, 350, 350);
} completion:^(BOOL finished) {
[self.view.superview addSubview:popContents.view];
Don't forget you can nest animations inside of each other.
Nov 13, 09:11 PM
you get the ? disk icon when holding down shift key?
but without shift key it boots normally?
you may want to let it get to the happy mac icon, then hold down shift
Mar 23, 05:25 AM
GodFather has been getting ok reviews but is basically the PS2 game with a bit of waggle
Cooking Mama - has been getting 'AWFUL' reviews
Blazing Angels - has sucked the ass on all formats - wii is meant to be no different.
Ouch! That sucks!
Hows the port for TD:U for PS2 (besides graphics)? Is there anything they took out of it, like the MMO racing feature or only racing half the island? I don't see any reviews for the ported game yet. :o
The goal would be to have that whole library accessible from my laptop and then played through AirTunes speakers.
If you are going to put the library on a file server you need a high performance file server and a fast network connection to the server. A USB drive conected to an Airport routers s NOT a high performance server and WiFi is not a fast network.
The best way to do what you want is to put the library on a desktop mac of some kind. You'd want a fast Firewire external drive and then from inside itunes you "share" the library. This way the over the air protocol works at a higher level and uses a LOT less network bandwidth. The down side is that you need a server computer alsays on. But given the cost of your library (even if those songs were ripped from used CDs you have invested a fortune) so what's added cost of a used mac Mini and a FireWire disk or even a Firewire RAID?
In short your problem is that you are sharing at the file level and you really should be using iTunes to iTunes sharing.
There are others copies in System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/FinderKit.framework/Resources.
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