The thing that gets me is the "which you presently need" part.
The ad in the paper said" Photoshop skills a must."
Guess what program he has never touched in his life?
Selah Sue, geboren als SanneBB seldom has the latest and greatest in their stores until weeks after the introduction.
Hmm, well how can my local stores have them if it's only been 2 days since the launch? :confused:
Your best bet is to call around and find out for yourself. You might get lucky! didn't bring much but 4.3 brought improvements on AirPlay, safar, added home sharing options, iPad sloder switch option, and added the hotspot feature.
Selah Sue - MommyI've been doing nothing but GPU folding even with a Q6600 or Core i5 750. :(
Selah Sue @ Simplonxbuddycorex
May 2, 07:17 PM
It's not one of the first ones made, the iPhone was released on June 29th, 2007 and your phone was made in the first week of July, 2007. Therefore the initial influx of production models were already in the hands of the first customers before yours was made. It was made fairly early in the cycle, but definitely not in the first group.
Selah Sue, geboren als Sanneremove the cube from its shell
place a sticky note where the power switch would be on the inside of the shell
replace the cube in its shell
turn it on
no mpre problem
for added fun, experiment with different colors of stickies to change the color of your power light (yellow and blue make ....)
Photos de Selah Sueapsterling
Jan 12, 09:00 PM
AirMac would be more fitting, but MacBook Air will be it's name, if such an item exists.
Photos de Selah SueDurandal7
Dec 23, 01:19 PM
These forums sure did take off since you posted a link on the main site arn.
theselah sue Selah+sueStampyhead
Dec 14, 01:49 PM
A good friend of mine really wants an iPod mini, and I thought it would be nice to get her one for Christmas. Problem is that you can't get them anywhere anymore. Apple had some for a while on the refurb section of their website, but they are all gone now and the only place I have seen them is on Ebay for like $250+!:eek: I don't really want to pay that much, so I thought I would see if there was anyone here who has one is good condition that they might feel like selling? Any color is fine, although she would prefer green. Also, if anyone knows of a place where one can still buy new/refurbished iPod minis, I would be interested in hearing about that too.
Photos de Selah SueNo. I've moved up early before on previous betas like Snow Leopard... didn't turn out that well. Learned my lesson. Waiting until Final, then I'll deal with the bugs.
Selah Sue - MuziekgieterijI've sold and bought a lot of stuff on Ebay including selling multiple Mac laptops. This situation besides being traumatic to the seller (or buyer depending on the situation) is very interesting as to how ebay will address it?
This was several years ago, but I have a friend who purchased a computer on ebay advertised with a specific graphic card. In reality the computer did not have the card that was advertised, but for some reason in the dispute, ebay sided with the seller saying the differences were not enough to warrant a return despite the card having 124MB VRAM instead of the advertised 256MB VRAM.
Despite my story above, what has bothered me about Ebay is that it has taken steps to be friendlier to buyers at the expense of sellers. For example, instead of allowing the seller to dictate the buyer pays for insurance as a term of the sale, Ebay has taken this away this choice from the seller.
If you have a piece of computer hardware, and you know what the serial number is, and you mail it off, what exactly prevents the buyer from switching computers and saying "you did not send me what you advertised" and asks for a refund? For this situation Ebay will have to develop a verifiable process because someone is being scammed.
The reverse is the seller lies about the computer and sends something other than what was advertised.
I want to know how the heck Ebay can determine who is telling the truth?
The worst thing about being the seller is that once your computer is in the buyer's hands, you no longer have any control over your computer. For the OP, at this point, I don't think there is anything you can do but contact ebay and discuss it with them. Someone else has your computer. Hopefully you documented what you sent. If so then the buyer is a crook. Hopefully you took several pictures to distinguish between what you sent and what the buyer says he got.
But does everyone see the dilemma? How does any 3rd party know what you really sent the buyer? This is going to make me do some research because I will be selling a laptop in the near future on ebay, that is if I can satisfy there is a means to verify what exactly has been mailed?
Helpfull links anyone?
Selah Sue @ Motel Mozaique 2009Macaholic G5
Nov 6, 01:04 PM
BTW Macaholic, how did you get sooooo much folding power?!? And are you folding for Team MR?!?
Bought it or built it myself. A man has to have a hobby. ;) I fold with Team MacOS X. Calling all Mac folders. Please spread the SMP client news ( far and wide. Oh, did I mention it is SPEEDY and worth your time?! Can you say NATIVE?! I thought so. Now GO! :D
Feb 29, 04:33 PM
Does the dent nulify the applecare? Will send paypal as soon as I find out for sure that these are stil FS>.wouldnt want to send Paypal without knowledge product is still available.
Hi everyone
Ever since I saw a 12" PB more than a decade ago I've been fascinated by it. I never bought one because at the time I didn't have the money for it but I'm now considering buying one just to have it (sounds odd perhaps but why not; it's a beautiful piece of equipment and why not save them for posterity?).
I am not very familiar with Tiger and the earlier OSs and therefore wanted to run Leopard on it. I've read posts here and also articles at Lowendmac about Leopard performance on the 12" PB. It seems that performance would be "ok", at least for less intensive tasks (like video editing and encoding).
So I'm wondering what upgrades (well, beyond adding RAM) are available for the 12" PB (processors, logic boards, harddrives etc) these days?
Apr 18, 02:13 PM
I'd take a P&S if you don't have a good camera on your phone. We went to Disney World in September and used my iPhone 4 FAR more than even our Canon P&S because I could snap photos and video and immediately upload them to Facebook and email them to family that wasn't with us. They loved getting shots from us on the go and I liked not having to do that stuff later when I was exhausted.
Also, I highly recommend taking at least one backpack to put sunscreen, water and snacks in. Disney World does allow food to be taken in now so I also recommend taking lunch some days as eating there every day is expensive.
Have fun!
Why can't I make a call, check email and web on v??
Apr 9, 07:48 PM
We did something like this one ( back in 1990, although it has changed somewhat. It was great, except for the up-at-the-crack-of-dawn, get breakfast, and on-the-bus shite.
Still, all those countries in 28 days is not easy.
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