I was after the CoolerMaster Q Aluminium keyboard that toezter has, but it seems to be discontinued.
After a trip to my local evil PC World though (do they ever get any better?!?) I saw a fully brushed aluminium, PB type (but full) keyboard. Looks very, very nice. Pricey at �50, and is USB not wireless. But the major downer is the logo on the keyboard right above the function keys in the centre.....
dress sewing pattern,Geeze with a machine that fast surely we can finally answer the question "Shall I buy now or wait?" :D
dress, sewing pattern,
dress, sewing patternI have the dp 1.25, how do tell which chip is in it? I read in another forum or site that there is a command in terminal that lists the chip in system info, but cannot remember.
SIMPLICITY Pattern #7965 DressI'm interested in finding out how early some people will be going to wait outside the Apple store. I've never waited for a release on anything before, so this is all very new to me... haha.
I still remember walking through a mall the day the iPhone was released and just being in awe at the lines and lines of people I saw.
variety of Sewing patternsHi guys,
I have 2 old(ish) 24" Cinema Displays (the matte ones). Is it possible to use both of them with my (current) Mac Mini? I'm assuming I need some sort of HDMI splitter type of thing..
Thanks for your help.
Maria wearing her one shoulderIn a similar position - in that I'm looking for a scanner to digitise my wives film slide collection (approx 2000 slides). At first I was looking for film specific scanners (for film negative and slides). I've now heard Canon have dropped this dedicated line and replaced it with scanners such as the i9950 (thats the Euro name).
I find the http://www.photo-i.co.uk/ site provides some useful tips.
Good luck.
Dress Sewing Pattern B34Flying in from Denmark, Europe to spend a week at MacWorld:cool:
See you on the 14th somewhere....
Hope to see you and the rest of our Cyber/Apple group of friends then - I'll be traveling from Kuwait to attend the event :)
One-Piece Dress. Dress buttonsThat's one thing I really hate about apple. Once a new revision comes out, if you have a problem with the previous generation product you may as well forget about it ever getting fixed.
There are an awful lot of examples that would say otherwise.
For a start I would mention the hard drive replacement program for the white MacBooks which are 3/4 years old. Then there was the update to fix the audio issue with the 2009 Mac Pro's.
Would you care to give examples of these problems which have been ignored?
Beaded One Shoulder LongWhy annoying, because PowerPoint is so lame? You can export Keynote to PowerPoint, or to Flash, or QuickTime, or PDF.
What we really need is a Windows Keynote player downloadable for free off of Apple's website. ...Apple could probably throw one together in a day and iWork sales would skyrocket (not to mention the switching potential of the Windows users watching such a beautiful presentation on their piece of crap :D).
dress, sewing patternThere should be a -1000 button for threads like these... Or - "Lowest Ranked".
There also should be more members with a sense of humor in this forum.
Sparkling wedding dressHAven't taken her out in public yet, since i don't have a carrying case (still undecided what to get) as for having more space while at home, yes i love it, cause it allows for an easier time doing multiple things at once. I will be taking her out though a little later today to a group meeting i need to go to, nad she'll probably come to shcool with me soon, so Ill have a better idea of what all is going on then..
Apr 30, 07:38 AM
Come on by and join me!
everyone hates spymac, but the same people continue to use it. :confused:
makes no sense to me.
Can anyone confirm/deny that 4.3.3/4.2.8 brings AirPlay to the verizon iPhone?
future, iOS 5 please :cool:
Anyone else have a problem with a flat panel display developing yellow hot-spots around the edges of the screen?
Aren't we playing strip poker? ;)
To bad, iBlue just lost her current hand. Let's see, have to remove something. What could that be? :D
Sorry e. :eek:
The thing that is holding her hair up.
Nice picture BTW.
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